Pl. Apple iPad 2 WIFI 3G-hez
With the iPad 2 Charger Dock, you get a useful home base for your iPad 2, for syncing, charging, and more.
Connect the dock to your computer with the USB cable included with your iPad 2 to sync iPad 2 and charge its battery.
Connect the dock to an electrical outlet using the iPad 2 10W USB Power Adapter (included with your iPad 2) to charge the iPad 2 battery.
Use the dock to hold your iPad 2 at the perfect angle to compose email and notes using the keyboard or to watch your favorite videos or photo slideshows.
Connect the dock to a TV or video projector using a compatible cable such as the iPad 2 Dock Connector to VGA Adapter or the Apple Component or Composite AV Cable.
Connect the dock to a stereo or speakers using an AV cable or a stereo audio cable to play music from iPad 2.
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A hirdetés tárgya csak a tartó! Szállítás 2-3 hét alatt.
Jelenlegi ára: 1 899 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2011-11-21 00:28
. iPad 2, tablet asztali töltő és tartó Apple iPad 2 - Jelenlegi ára: 1 899 Ft